Advocate For Yourself

Wendy is originally from Maryland but has done most of her growing up in South Carolina.  This beautiful 45 year old has overcome some serious health struggles and despite that, has a very positive outlook on life and her enthusiasm is contagious! You can’t help but be inspired after chatting with her. Here are a few snippets from Wendy’s interview.

What made you get pictures done?

I’ve been on a health journey.  I had a rare diagnosis in 2014. Since then I have been reclaiming my health and wanted to celebrate everything I have done.

What advice would you give other people going through a health struggle.

It’s your life and you get to be an active participant in it.  Advocate for yourself, ask the right questions,  advocate for your treatments and never under estimate the power you play in your own recovery.

How do you think the definition of beauty has changed over the years?

I would like to think it i has gotten much more broad and much more exclusive.  Beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder, beauty is everywhere if you just look for it.

How have your values changed over the years?

I am much kinder and more understanding.  I am much more humble and afford people grace.  I firmly believe people are just doing the best they can.

How would the people around you describe you?

People would describe me as a firecracker.  I am pretty sassy but also humble, kind and caring.  I’m a mess in the best possible way.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self?

Oh sweet girl you are so beautiful, you are so worthy already.

What is something on your bucket list?

I see what I want and I figure out ways to go do it.  I’m extremely fulfilled and gratified at age 45.

What advice would you give the younger generation today?

Drink your water, wear your sunscreen, eat your vegetables and mind your business.

What goals do you have?

I want to be present, humble and grateful.  I’ve created a beautiful life and I am blessed beyond measure.  My hope is for more of that.

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7

Be sure to click on the video and hear Wendy in her own words. Hair and makeup by @beautybylizyturria. For more information on 40 over 40 portraits, please visit Let us share your story.


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