Meet Baby Michael, A Rainbow Baby

This handsome little lion is a rainbow baby! You may remember Kayleigh's story from a previous blog. If you missed it, check it out here. Kayleigh and Michael welcomed little Michael Ray into the world on October 1st, which happens to be his daddy's birthday as well as Michael and Kayleigh's wedding anniversary! I am sure Kayleigh will have her hands full with these two celebrating birthdays together. 

"Little Ray", as Mom and Dad like to call him, was perfect for his session. This little lion was absolutely adorable and we are so glad we could capture these special moments. The lion bonnet was especially important to Mom as she referred to him as her "little lion." He also makes an equally cute teddy bear. Little Ray was in the midst of a cluster feeding when he came to me for his session; a common occurrence with newborns. You never know when that growth spurt will hit and the need to eat all the time is real. Poor mom came to me with only two hours of sleep. His session took a little longer than normal due to Ray needing a break to eat. They both rocked it though! Although mom was tired, I'm glad she came in anyway.  I am pretty sure she thought I was nuts for suggesting she come in so quickly after giving birth and encouraging her to stay longer despite what little sleep she had. If she had not come in, we would have never captured these special moments. These moments Mom and Dad will cherish forever. Even dad was a trooper! He was pooped and peed on while we did some family shots and Dad handled it like a champ.

Poop, pee, spit-up is life here at the studio. Everything we use in our sessions is washable including the photographer! I know those first few weeks are tough with a newborn. Trust me, I remember those days well. Schedule your newborn session now. You will be tired when you arrive, you will be tired when you leave. Those few hours will be worth every minute to capture these special moments. Never again will your baby be this tiny... you won't regret making the trip. I know Kayleigh and Michael are so glad they came so enjoy some of our favorites from their session.


The Magic of Christmas


Aloha! Meet Kennedi