Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our house to yours! Thank you to Brenda & Bert Young from BPhotographed for doing our Christmas photos this year. As I mentioned in a previous post, it is no easy task to photograph another photographer's family. Thank you BPhotographed for the gorgeous images!

Family portraits have been a tradition in our house since our daughter was born. This was several years before I became a photographer. I did not fully understand the value of having a print on the wall until many years later.  It was tough in those early years for Charles and I to do family portraits as money was tight. We did it anyway even if we could only purchase a couple 8 x 10's. We can take a trip down Blake Family memory lane every time we look at our annual family picture. It is fun to not only see how the kids have grown over the years but to also watch their facial expressions and mannerisms change as they head into adulthood. Our daughter is a senior in high school this year and our son is a sophomore. It won't be long before they are off doing their own thing and family portraits will be tougher to accomplish. We are blessed to have a wall filled with portraits to remind us of every year. Don't fret if you have not scheduled family portraits. Start your tradition now. Call us to schedule your 2020 session. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Enjoy every moment of the season and don't forget to take pictures. More importantly, hand the camera to a friend or family member and get yourself in front of the camera. Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas, kids need to see you in the picture with them.

What's your story? Capture it, print it, and share it!  Start your legacy today.


A Special Story of Adoption: Meet Baby River


Family Portraits Are Priceless