Newborn Session Prep

Congratulations on your newest addition! We love to photograph babies. Here at the studio, we have a some helpful tips to make you session run as smoothly as possible.

  • Photographing babies within the first two weeks of birth is best. This is the time when babies are the easiest to settle. As your due date approaches, call the studio and book your session.
  • Schedule your session around baby’s feeding time. We ask that you feed baby as soon as you arrive. A full belly makes for a happy baby.
  • Bring a pacifier. Even if you don’t plan to use one, it helps to soothe baby for a short time while we photograph him/her away from Mom.
  • We keep our studio warm during a newborn session. I recommend parents dress accordingly. We do have a separate room with a ceiling fan that parents are welcome to stay in if the session becomes too warm for them
  • Have a favorite outfit or prop? Bring it! We will do our best to incorporate it into our session. We ask that you limit the number of “speciality” items so we can keep our session running smoothly.

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

