Why Bother with Family Portraits.

family portraits

Technology may have changed the trend of taking photos but the value of family portraits is priceless.  Snapping photos of a birthday party, taking a selfie (years ago that was not even a thing) and even taking photo to show proof something was delivered (thanks Amazon) has become incredibly easy thanks to the advancement of cell phones.

Cell phones are handy in a pinch but are not a substitute for booking a talented photographer to create stunning wall art of your family for your home.  Why are family portraits so important?  Read below to find out.

Preserve Cherished Memories

Family portraits capture moments in time.  As your family grows and changes, these moments become heirlooms to pass down to generations to come.  Images tell a story not only of your family but a story of what is happening in the world.  When you look back, you will remember not only what was happening in your own family but that of world events which will inspire stories to be told for future generations.


When was the last time you had a family portrait with extended family?  Aunts, Uncles, in-laws, cousins etc?  Participating in a portrait session encourages families to come together and spend quality time while creating memories to be passed down.  It shows generations of love and the connections that makeup up each family.

Creating Beautiful Wall Art

Booking a family portrait session starts the process of creating beautiful wall art.  A skilled photographer will work with you to pick the best location, lighting and provide guidance on clothing to ensure your images compliment you, your family and your home.  You will have stunning wall art to display in your home.

Self-Esteem Boost

For children, having family portraits prominently displayed in the home can boost their self-esteem and sense of belonging. It shows the importance of family bonds.  Not to mention having a family portrait you love with YOU in it, will boost your own self confidence.

Heirloom Keepsakes

Unlike digital files that may get lost or corrupted over time, printed family portraits are keepsakes that can be passed down to future generations. Portraits are a link to the past, offering future generations a piece of their family's history.

Investing in family portraits is an investment in your family history.  Not only providing you with heirloom treasures but also joy each time you see your family on the wall.  So, why wait? Your children are getting older and you are not getting any younger.  Let’s capture your family’s love and personality.  Call us today and let’s start planning your family session.


Tips for a Successful Portrait Session


Beauty is the Inner Glow