Baby Ari'Elle

This sweet princess stopped by our studio recently. Just a bit over five pounds and almost three weeks old, she has the most beautiful name.

Meet Ari'Elle Jonelle! Mom is so in love with her sweet angel, I just loved photographing them. Air'Elle did great during her session and slept through most of it. Look at those toes! I always tell my parents to enjoy every minute, they really do grow so fast! How did you pick your child's name? I love hearing these stories. Ari'Elle's middle name comes from her grandmother who passed away. What a beautiful way to remember a loved one.

In our family, our daughter's name Katerina was chosen because it is Italian. My father's side of the family is Italian. I craved a lot of pasta while I was pregnant with her! Our son Christopher helped pick out his name. My husband and I narrowed it down to Christopher and Nicholas. When I asked him which one he liked, he kicked me hard when I said, Christopher! His Italian grandfather gave him the nickname "Christo."  Don't tell his grandfather but I craved burgers while I was pregnant with him.

Share with us how you picked your child's name.


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