Celebrating Joy

As many of you know, I am a volunteer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an organization that provides bereavement photos for families whose babies will not leave the hospital. Last month was a very high call volume for our team in San Antonio. We were weary and heartbroken for the families we served. Fortunately, our Area Coordinator Cassie Mueller and fellow volunteer Karen Kuplack had the wonderful idea for a maternity model call! We put the word out and had several beautiful ladies allow us to photograph them and share their joy. I am blessed to work with a great group of photographers through NILMDTS. Not only are these ladies talented photographers but they are truly great friends. We loan each other props in our business, bounce ideas or ask questions as well as lean on each other when we have difficult NILMDTS month. Everyone pitches in to meet the needs of our families and to make sure no one is getting burned out. Keep watch for an upcoming blog about NILMDTS. In the meantime, enjoy some of the images from our shoot, you can’t help but smile. A special thanks to Karen and Cassie for lending their beautiful gowns and to the models for making the drive out. A big thank you to my teenage daughter who willingly gave up her Friday night to assist all the photographers. To all the beautiful moms-to-be, enjoy every minute. It really does go by in a blink of an eye. To see more beautiful images from this session. check out: Coll Street Photography - Cassie MuellerKaren Kuplack Photography - Karen KuplackOlvera Photography - Crystal RodriquezLinda Mayfield 


Meet the sweetest cowgirl!


Why Family Portraits?