Meet the sweetest cowgirl!

Baby Rorie stopped by our studio last week and boy did she rock her newborn session!  At six weeks of age, it is very unusual to not have at least a little fussiness. This little peanut was so content! We even got some sleepy poses. As you can see, Mom and Dad are so in love with their new bundle of joy. She even has a pony waiting for her. Horses are a girl's best friend. We recommend bringing your baby in during the first two weeks for a newborn session. We'll have a separate blog post about that in the coming weeks.  However, if your baby is older than two weeks still give us a call. Babies grow so fast and they will never be as little as they are today!  In the meantime, enjoy some images from Rorie's session.


Threads & Cameras (of Love)


Celebrating Joy