Threads & Cameras (of Love)

Here in San Antonio, there is a group of amazing and talented ladies who volunteer to make beautiful outfits for NICU/premie babies as well as for those babies who will never leave the hospital. Two weeks ago, myself and a few of my fellow Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep photographers had the honor of meeting some of the wonderful ladies from Threads of Love. As a NILMDTS photographer, we provide bereavement photos for families whose babies will not leave the hospital. The angel babies we photograph are dressed in beautiful outfits made by Threads of Love. We have seen the label over and over on outfits, hats, booties, and blankets donated to these families. It provides such a blessing to them as they are often caught off guard by this tragedy and do not have anything to dress their angel. These ladies were just as excited to meet us as we were to meet them! I personally cannot sew so to see the rows of machines and tables of items waiting to be delivered was overwhelming. The volunteers come twice a week to work on these items, some outfits taking up to 10 hours to complete! The dedication of these wonderful ladies blesses so many families. For us photographers, it makes our volunteer work easier. Not only do we photograph the angel baby in their outfit but we also photograph items in the bereavement boxes provided by Threads of Love. On behalf of my fellow Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep photographers, we would like to say Thank You to everyone at Threads of Love. Your dedication and compassion is truly a labor of love.


Meet Cyra!


Meet the sweetest cowgirl!