Cherish The Moments: A Maternity Session

This beautiful couple stopped by our studio recently for a maternity session. At 30 weeks, mom was at the perfect stage for portraits. We started our session in studio and finished up with a quick trip to the Statehouse for a few outdoor images. Gorgeous and glowing, mom did a wonderful job. Dad did great too and was very willing to help with the dress toss. Most importantly, you could see the love they have for each other. It is so important to document this special time.

Your family is about to grow and change. Never again will it be just the two of you. Cherish those quiet moments. Celebrate your pregnancy. Start your family tradition of portraits. Photos trigger memories and emotions. Now is the perfect time to start your family story. One day your children will enjoy looking back on photos of you before they came along. I had a wonderful time getting to know Addy and her husband. I cannot wait to meet their new bundle of joy.

What is your family story? Start it today by booking your session. 


Jessica & Kyle: Maternity Session


Madelyn Class of 2019