Have a Storybook Life

beauty portraits columbia sc

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews. My hope with this project is to empower women and show them how beautiful they are! My 40 over 40 ladies are truly a wise bunch and I hope the younger crowd will hear their words of wisdom.

Here are a few snippets from Laurie's interview.

What made you get pictures done?

My husband wanted me to get pictures done.

Why did your husband want you to get photos done?

Because there were no pictures of me in the photo albums.

How do you think the definition of beauty has changed over the years?

I feel like now it’s much more now a societal norm, it’s in the media all the time of how women should look and how they should portray themselves. I don’t think I paid too much attention to it when I was younger where I didn’t see it like I see it now.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self?

Live. Live life and don’t worry about what anybody else thinks.

What advice would you give your daughters today?

To always I think is to give grace. Especially I tell this to my youngest daughter all the time give grace, give grace to that person you think is being rude to you behind the counter, the person that cut you off in traffic give grace, but most importantly give grace to yourself because we are too hard on ourselves.

When have you felt the beautiful in your life?

Under the hood of a car where no one can see me cause that’s I guess where I’m most confident.

What do you feel the most successful at?

I feel successful in my job I know I do a good job there, working with the kids.

How do you think the younger generation perceives your generation?

As boomers and we are not, cause my daughter tells me on a regular basis that this generation we are boomers and we should not have technology because we don’t know how to use it.

How have the values you had in your 20’s changed over the years?

In my 20’s I wasn’t focused much on anything my family was in turmoil and so nothing really mattered to me in a sense and then as I’ve gotten older my husband you know lead me to God so then there’s church now, my husband, and my children.

If you had one thing on your bucket list that you want to do what would it be?

I would still like to go attend that Harvard class.

What do you value most in life?

My marriage, my church and my children.

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

Not to focus on having storybook memories but rather have a story book life.

Be sure to click on the video and hear Laurie in her own words. Hair and makeup by @beautybyLizYturria. For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit www.brandiblake.com/40over40.

headshots columbia sc
headshots columbia sc
Columbia SC photographer
Portraits Columbia SC
Portrait Photographer Columbia SC

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