Meet Baby Kai

We are back to photographing newborns! COVID wreaked havoc on everyone including our tiniest clients. Many of you could not get newborn images done in the traditional two-week time frame because we (photographers) were all shut down. Don't worry if you missed the traditional newborn portraits, the important thing is to schedule a session now. Let us capture this special time for you and your baby. They will never be this small again.

Meet Baby Kai! This little peanut was 4 weeks when she came to see us. Kai brought her mommy and her auntie to her session. Both were so helpful. We limit the number of family members in a newborn session for safety reasons. I also wear a mask when handling the baby and we use hand sanitizer constantly. Baby Kai did great during her session! Lavender is definitely her color, and the dark pink she wore complimented Mom's gown beautifully. Mom wore one of our maternity gowns for her portraits. Our maternity gowns offer a great way for moms to dress up without the hassle and feel more beautiful despite just having given birth. We have a selection of gowns as well as recommendations on where to purchase if you would like your own. Older babies are more of a challenge to capture the sleepy traditional poses. Don't let that stop you from getting portraits done!

I will work with your little one to capture images you will treasure. As any parent will tell you, babies grow way too fast. I am sure baby Kai has changed since our portrait session! Document those moments. I promise one day when your baby goes off to college, you will treasure those "baby" portraits even more.

As my husband and I get ready to take our oldest to college in a little over a month, we find ourselves grateful to have the portraits. It reminds you of what was going on the day you had them taken, what was going on in your career and life, brings back the worries you had when they were little, and makes you appreciate all the moments from then until now.

Let Brandi Blake Photography help you capture all your special moments.  Portraits are therapy during tough times and memories to share during happy times.  Contact us today to preserve your special memories.


Meet Mikayla, Class of 2020


Family is Priceless