Photographers Need Portraits Too!

It's a little intimidating to photograph another photographer and her family. No one is more critical of images than us. We also think we should be able to photograph our own families. After all, we are the experts. Fortunately, I gave up the idea that I should do our own family portraits a few years ago. We do tend to get busy with our clients and realize at the last minute, that we need portraits too! I was very excited when Cassie (Coll Street Photography) agreed to do our family portraits and to let me do hers. 

I met Cassie shortly after I moved to San Antonio two years ago. We both volunteer for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an organization that provides bereavement photos for families whose babies will not leave the hospital. Cassie is our Area Coordinator and does a fantastic job. I don't know what I would do without her help not only in our volunteer work but in business as well.

Mother nature did not bring the sunny skies we were hoping for but we still had fun.  For Cassie and her husband Josh, reading Bible stories every night with the kids is a special part of their nightly routine. We made sure to capture this during the session. The best part for the kids was playing in the water!

Be sure to tell us what your special family tradition is. We are happy to incorporate it into your session. Remember to book your family session. It may be too late for Christmas cards but it is never too late to capture memories with your family.


Home for the Holidays


Family is Life's Greatest Blessing