Be Yourself

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews. Martha is 60 years young and from Columbia, South Carolina. We are so glad Martha took part in the 40 over 40 portraits!She has a very calming presence and very wise words to share with all of us.  It's never too late to try something new and step out of your comfort zone. I love her outlook that life does get better the older you get!Here are a few snippets from Martha’s interview.

What made you get pictures done?

Stepping out of my box.I have never done this before.

How has the definition of beauty changed over the years?

The definition of beauty has changed through just accepting who you are and living with it.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Not to sweat the small stuff.

How do you think the younger generation perceives your generation?Our generation is perceived as old fashioned.My hope is they hold onto the same values we have today because who knows what the future will look like.

What advice would you give your daughter?

Be yourself, don’t worry about what other people think.Don’t try to live up to anyone else’s expectations but your own.

Are there any myths about getting older, we seem to fight it so much?Life really does get better the older you get, without a doubt!

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Be sure to click on the video and hear Martha in her own words. Hair and makeup by @bettybluedoll.For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit

Martha's Video


Love Who You Are


I Will Remember the Way you Made Me Feel