I Will Remember the Way you Made Me Feel

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews. Sammye is 56 years old and from Cayce, South Carolina. She owns Locklair Farm & Garden Supply in Gaston with the help of her pup, Peppa. Here are a few snippets from Sammye’s interview.

What made you get pictures done?

I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone.I’m not the kind of person who likes having their picture taken but I wanted to do something to help me feel good about myself.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Don’t worry about the small stuff. What is going to happen will happen. Enjoy life right now instead of agonizing over the tiny things.

How has the definition of beauty changed over the years?

There is not a cookie cutter mold for what is beautiful. It use to be that voluptuous women were considered beautiful.Now, I think diversity is considered beautiful.

What life events have helped shaped you?

I think every event has helped shape who I am today. I’ve been married, divorced, lost both my parents.

When have you felt the most confident in your career?

To be honest, right now I feel the most confident. A lot of people look to me for advice. I majored in education and I feel like I am teaching someone everyday. People come in for advice on what pet supplies to buy or what they need for their garden. It’s exciting because people want to know where their food is coming from. To help them get started is really meaningful.

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

I might now remember what you said, I might not remember what you did but I will remember the way you made me feel.

What advice would you give young people today?

Find something you enjoy doing. You will spend most of your life at work, if you do not like it you will be miserable. Life is not going to be perfect. There will be ups and downs and don’t get in a rut if something goes wrong. Positive energy is going to save your life.

Tell us about Peppa.

Peppa is the store mascot. She is 4 years old. She was rescued with her three brothers. She has her own restaurant review page called “Peppa’s pet Friendly Restaurant Review.” https://www.facebook.com/groups/2436995556535911

What is it like having Peppa in your life?

She is funny. She is a little diva. She is my best friend and it is a joy to watch her when she has friends come in the store, she will pop up and greet them. She makes people feel good. The kids come in just to see her. Be sure to click on the video and hear Sammye in her own words. Hair and makeup by @bettybluedoll . For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit https://brandiblake.com/40over40.


Be Yourself


Enjoy Life