Enjoy Life

Every client has a unique story to tell and I love hearing, listening and sharing their stories as I capture this moment in time.  Photographs speak about our past and present - they tell a story about who we are, how we got here and when we reflect on this, we can see a vision of where we are going.  Catherine is 73 years young and full of life and energy; when I grow up I want to be this vibrant.  This is part of Catherine's story that she shares with us.  I hope she and her family look back and cherish this time captured with photography!  Here are a few snippets from her interview.

What made you get pictures done?

I needed a little glamour in my life, a little pizzazz and I wanted to feel better about myself.

When was the last time you had portraits done?Back when they had booths in the shopping centers and you could have glamour shots done.

How do you think your generation is perceived by the younger generation?

Hopefully we are perceived as more knowledgeable, that we are able to help bring along young people  especially women.A lot is lost now with electronics.There is a big gap there that needs to be worked on.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Be more confident.I would work on not being so critical of the way I look

.How has your definition of beauty changed?

We don’t always need to put makeup on or put something on that changes who we are. I use to have trouble with the grey hair or saggy skin. Now I just own it.

What was your biggest struggle in life?

Having cancer and then losing my husband after being married for 48 years.Being single. After losing my husband, I have to be more independent. We were equal partners, he had his things that he did and I had my things and now I do it all. My struggle is to be more independent and to not depend on anyone else.

How do you think society defines beauty?

Too much emphasis is put on the shape of body you have.Just because you are tall or short doesn't make you beautiful.I think it is too judgmental.It should not be perfect.We should not look like movie stars, we should look like real people.

If you had a bucket list what would be on it?

Be more adventurous. Enjoy as much life as I have left. Do things I have always wanted to do but never had the opportunity to do them.

If you special someone were here today, what would he say?

He’d probably say a little too much makeup but my special someone is unconditional love. He would be pleased.

What is one thing you would tell your granddaughters?

Enjoy life. Don’t get trapped in what is happening in society today. Be you.Let your inner self come out and be you.

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

Be who you are.Don’t try to be who people think you should be. Be sure to click on the video and hear Catherine in her own words. Hair and makeup by @bettybluedoll. For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit www.brandiblake.com/40over40.

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