Beauty is in Everything

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews. Meet Belinda! She is a wife, mother, grandmother and a successful realtor in the Columbia area.

What made you decide to get pictures done?

I’ll be 60 in a few years and this is a memoir of my 50’s. I wanted to do this for myself as I prepare for the next decade.

How has your perspective changed on life as you have gotten older?

I would like to believe I have become a lot wiser as I have gotten older. I’ve learned to think about how I respond to situations versus reacting to them. Things are never as bad as they appear to be and there is always a solution to a problem

.What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Slow down. Enjoy your 20’s. I was married at 21 and spent my 20’s having children, raising a family, and having a military career. I don’t regret it but I never took the time to enjoy my 20’s.20’s are a time for individual growth, a time to decide what you want to do.

How has your definition of beauty changed?

There is beauty in everything. Beauty is not as superficial as it used to be. Our parents always told us beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As I have gotten older, I have seen beautiful people do ugly things which is not beauty. Beauty comes from within regardless of what you look like or where you came from. We all have imperfections and at the same time we were all created equal in God’s eyes and we are all beautiful in his sight.

What advice would you give your children?

Never forget your roots.  Our children were raised in a loving home and family is always here for them. Always be respectful, kind, loving, generous, and giving. Find your place in the world and make the most of it. I’ve always told my kids I want more for them than they want for themselves.  But what I want for them does not matter if they do not want it for themselves. Find those creative gifts that were put inside of them and utilize them, put them out into the universe because somebody can use them and needs them.

What is your favorite quote or scripture?

“I can do all things through Christ. God has not given me a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and sound mind.” I think these two scriptures can sustain you for the rest of your life.

Be sure to click on the video and hear Belinda in her own words.  Thank you Belinda for allowing me to photograph you and share your story. Hair and makeup by @bettybluedoll. For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]


Enjoy Life


Beauty is Passion