Love Who You Are

Beauty portrait session in Columbia SC

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews.  April is 43 yrs old from Camden, South Carolina and works as an environmental geologist. We are so glad April took part in the 40 over 40 project!

Here are a few snippets from April’s ’s interview:

What made you get pictures done?

I wanted to feel pretty again.  We get so busy taking care of our families and running a business.  I wanted my kids to have something nice to remember me by.

How do you think society views beauty?

That is an unfortunate answer because I think society views beauty as exterior instead of interior.  I feel our beauty truly shines on the exterior when we are happy on the inside.  With media and technology we see these exterior attributes that we as women try to mimic but we can’t.  We have to be our own individual self and when we find that peace and purpose on the interior our exterior is beautiful no matter what.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Stop comparing yourself to everyone else.  You were made for a purpose in this life that no one else can complete for you.  So, be yourself.

When do you feel you were the most confident in life?

I can’t really identify when I have felt the most confident.  As the seasons change my understanding of my own self changes and that confidence changes.  The older I get I realize intelligence comes with age and the different things you learn about yourself.

What advice would you give your daughter?

The advice I would give my daughter and other young girls is to love yourself.  Love who you are and if you are not sure who you are, try different things until you figure it out.  Don’t compare yourself to others on social media.  The faults you may think you have now, might be a struggle you are going through to be a better you as you when you get older.  The doubts or faults you have now may be able to help someone else later.  Find yourself.

Be sure to click on the video and hear April in her own words. My hope is to inspire and empower women with the project and show you all how beautiful you are. Thank you April for sharing your wisdom with us! Hair and makeup by @beautybylizyturria .  For more information on the 40 over 40 portraits, please visit


A Family Who Serves Together Stays Together


Be Yourself