Enjoy Life

I love sharing my client’s stories through portraits and interviews. Meet Allison, my very first client for the 40 over 40 portraits! Originally from Clemson, SC, she has been in the Columbia area for the last 19 years. She is married with two children. When asked why she decided to have portraits done Allison replied, “I’m 49 almost 50, and realized I stopped feeling as good about myself as I wanted to and I thought this might enliven me a bit as I head into 50.” I had so much fun meeting Allison and hearing her story. Here are some snippets from her interview:

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

“Enjoy life, embrace family and soak up every moment.”

If we asked your husband what does he love most about you, what would he say?

“He loves my ability to care for others."

What do you think is the biggest struggle in society today on how they view women?

“The biggest struggle I think is that society is confused on a woman’s role. In the past we looked at what women should be doing as opposed to what we could be doing.”

What gets you up and motivated in the morning?

“Taking care of my family.”

How has your definition of beauty changed over the years?

“When I was younger, I thought being attractive meant makeup, hair, clothes and having a certain look. Learning to love myself just the way I am is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

What is the best advice you could give younger ladies today?

“Save some mystery. Less is more. You don't have to tell it all. Save some. It is a worthy endeavor and you will be appreciated for it.”

Allison, your images are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Make sure to click the video link. For more information about 40 over 40 portraits, please visit www.brandiover40.com. Hair and makeup by @lisabethbeauty.[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://brandiblake.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/0D6A0217_4update.mp4"][/video] 


Live Life to the Fullest


40 Over 40 Portraits